Success Stories

Meet Sir Lionel

Abandoned. Sick. Alone. Puss filled eyes. Starving. Dehydrated. But mewing with all his strength, stuck under some bushes. This desperate, almost inaudible mew was heard by a dear woman who was walking home from the store. She immdiately fished him out of the bushes. Recognizing that he was ill and in need of immediate help to survive she brought him home and called Purrs And Whiskers for help. She cleaned his eyes, and tried to give him some canned food while she had him. Bottle feeding, medicine, hydration, and acceptance into the Camelot litter by Lady Guinevere have made all the difference for this little guy! SIR LIONEL! Thank you to all who support Purrs And Whiskers!! Without you, little Sir Lionel, and so many others like him, would not survive! He has already been chosen for adoption, too!! Before and After

Meet Max

Max was rescued in March of this year - he had been seeking shelter under a ramp in West Utica - where he was fed. We were told he was a pregnant cat but upon arrival it was a fluffy male. He went to our Catsnip program and was found to have a grade 4 heart murmur and was judged to be around 8-9 years old. He learned to trust people and feel safe at my home. Then something great happened - his chosen people came and adopted him knowing his age and medical condition. After 4-5 months of having a forever home here on EARTH, he was called to the real forever home of heaven. We were able to make his last few months here knowing he was loved and cared for. I think Max gave as much or more to his people and his Purrs and Whiskers family as he received from them and us.

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